Planting period : november 2020
Planting carried out within the framework of a tripartite partnership, on the initiative of the Les Hauts de Malesherbes shared garden association, as part of a call for projects by the City of Paris’ Parisculteurs.
As the Hauts de Malesherbes association was unable to develop a plot adjoining its site due to its steep slope, it was decided to replant densely to create ecological continuity and provide more food for the bees of the future beehives to be installed in the garden. The mini-forest is therefore part of an urban agriculture project in this context.
This planting took place during a period of health crisis in France, and was only made possible thanks to the kind collaboration of the City of Paris, which enabled us to continue our activities despite this context. The association has put in place a protocol that complies with health and safety requirements, to guarantee the safety of our volunteers.
Planting location: 17th arrondissement of Paris
The plantation is located at the end of a spit of land, between a gate of an SNCF depot and housing. Creepers covered the gate before planting, and we chose not to remove them so as not to disturb the many birds that nest there every year. This choice had an impact on the monitoring of the site, which had to be frequent: the nearby lianas posed a choking threat to the young trees, towards which they constantly extended their tendrils, as can be seen in the photos below.
The choice of species has been slightly adapted for this site, to favor trees that will grow less tall, given the proximity of the plantation to the buildings (part offices, where the windows are high enough not to be affected, and part housing, with lower windows).
This site has no official address, but is located between 2, boulevard du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris and rue Stéphane Grappelli.
GPS coordinates : 48.89320,2.30407
The plantating in pictures
Before planting: site preparation
Click on the image to see the caption 😉
Planting in 2020
Click on the image to see the caption 😉

Let’s get started!
Photo ©Clément Dorval, Ville de Paris

Volunteers here practice pralinage: before planting the bare-root trees, they are soaked in a mixture of water and soil and a little soil improver, pralin, to protect the roots and enable the trees to take root more easily.
Photo © Clément Dorval for Ville de Paris

La plantation sur une pente raide n’est pas facile et demande à chacun de s’adapter à l’autre. Heureusement, les agents de la Direction des Espaces Verts et de l’Environnement, qui ont tenu à s’impliquer physiquement dans le projet, sont rodés en la matière ! C’était une joie de les voir sur le terrain après avoir accompagné la mise en place du projet.

The constraint of hosting volunteers in small groups enabled us to provide better support for each individual, and to see the emergence of a sometimes very strong sense of cohesion!